Menopause Matters

Older, Wiser, Bolder, and Still Beautiful!
From a biological perspective, menopause simply means that you have reached the end of your fertile years. Whew, no more periods! However, this completely natural stage of a woman’s life is weighed down with a lot of negative social assumptions. Reaching menopause means that a woman is old, frail, and unattractive. Might as well just strap on the apron and start making cookies for the grandkids for the rest of your life.
Not so fast! You are a bold, beautiful, and strong woman, and nothing, especially not menopause, is going to slow you down! Menopause will happen to every woman eventually, (usually in her late 40s or early 50s), but how you choose to face this new stage in your life will make all the difference!
Treating the Symptoms of Menopause
It’s a nice feeling to finally throw away your birth control and tampons, but menopause isn’t exactly a joyride. During perimenopause and menopause your body goes through hormonal changes, which can result in some unpleasant symptoms:
• Perimenopause – Your body begins releasing less estrogen years before your periods dry up. Your nice and steady periods start to go off the rails. One month it’s extremely light, the next month Niagara Falls, and the month after that it doesn’t show up at all!
• Hot Flashes – You are sizzling! …No really, you feel like someone lit a furnace inside of you. Bring on the rivers of sweat and rapid heartbeat. As soon as it passes, you suddenly find yourself shivering like you just rolled around in a snow bank.
• Night Sweats – Nothing ruins a good night’s sleep like waking up in a bath of sweat with your heart pounding a mile a minute. No wonder you’re so cranky and exhausted during the day!
• Vaginal Atrophy – Ouch! Your partner is feeling amorous, and you’re just feeling… well, dry as a desert down there and tight too.
• Mona Lisa Touch – Did you pee a little the last time you let out a belly laugh? Yeah, that happens now. So does painful vaginal dryness, burning, and itching which can make sex about as pleasant as a Pap Smear! The Mona Lisa Touch is a minimally invasive procedure that uses laser technology to reverse vaginal atrophy. In other words, your vagina will be back in action.
The Second Half of Your Life can be the Best Half
At my OB-GYN practice in Templeton, California, I specialize in working with peri-menopausal and menopausal women. I really do believe that menopause doesn’t have to define you as “elderly” or “unattractive.” Older women are full of wisdom, confidence, and lots of inner strength. If unpleasant menopause symptoms are holding you back from enjoying the second half of your life, schedule an appointment, and let’s work together to keep you gorgeously healthy and happy.