Can a Laser cure Painful Sex?

Can a New FDA-Approved Laser Rekindle the Heat Between the Sheets by Curing Painful Sex?
Attention ladies, you don’t need to be suffering in silence! Painful sex after menopause is a real medical condition but chances are if you don’t bring it up, your doctor won’t either. Through the years you’ve likely gained more self awareness and confidence and would like to continue to enjoy your sex life (often, especially now that the kids are gone!) . Research shows that many women are still having sex into their 80’s! But the sad truth is, as our bodies age, so do our vaginas . Time and again , the heart and soul are willing and desiring intimacy but the thought of painful sex is a definite turn off. Although the discomforts associated with vaginal aging get worse with time, it is a totally treatable condition. There’s no reason to be shy and just “put up with the pain” because there are discrete, very safe, and highly effective treatments available.
What Causes Painful Intercourse?
When you approach your menopause years (usually in your late 40s or early 50s), your body undergoes a significant change. A lot of important hormones that your body was dishing out to keep you in prime childbearing shape begin to dry up. These hormones include estrogen, progesterone, and even testosterone. This hormonal drought affects your body in a lot of different ways, but it hits your vagina the hardest. This results in a condition called vulvovaginal atrophy or VVA.
A young, healthy vagina contains a thick vaginal wall with lots of folds and a strong supply of blood vessels. It is moist and flexible, so that it can stretch and produce moisture. You remember those happy days, right?
Well, a lot of “happy vagina” characteristics are a direct result of estrogen. When the estrogen dries up, so does the vagina…literally. After menopause, the vaginal wall can become thin and dry. Fewer folds and blood vessels mean less moisture and less sensation.
According to the North American Menopause Society, up to 45% of post-menopausal women may experience it!
The dryness of vaginal atrophy creates uncomfortable friction, and the lack of folds means your vagina won’t stretch as well to accommodate penetration. The result is painful, unpleasant sex that is no fun for anyone.
Painful sex can have a significant emotional impact on you, your partner, and your relationship. It’s difficult to enjoy any intimacy if you are anxious about discomfort. It also destroys the intimate mood and make your partner afraid to touch you. Painful sex usually leads to less sex, which can drain the intimacy out of your relationship. Holding hands can only do so much to meet your and your partner’s need for physical closeness.
A New Solution for Painful Intercourse
Until recently, the only option menopausal women had to bring their vaginas back online was to take long-term oral or topical estrogen. You probably already know that hormonal therapy is a controversial topic and isn’t the best option for certain women, especially those with a history or high risk of breast cancer or stroke.
Cure for Painful Sex
Now, women have a new option. The FDA recently approved the MonaLisa Touch, the world’s first intravaginal laser treatment. Don’t let the word “laser” disconcert you. The treatment is entirely safe, completely pain-free, and it only takes about 15 minutes per session.
I have recently started using the MonaLisa Touch in my office, and the results are pretty astounding. Even after a single session, most of my clients notice a significant improvement in how sex feels.
How Does the MonaLisa Touch Work?
The MonaLisa Touch goes into the vagina where it fires off rapid laser bursts into the vaginal wall. Let me reiterate, the process is entirely pain free, and patients are able to walk right out of my office and go back to work or home after an appointment.
These small laser pulses basically wake the vagina up by stimulating collagen growth, encouraging more rapid turnover of lining cells, strengthening blood vessels, stimulating the creation of the protective mucosa, and building the vaginal wall up to its pre-menopause strength. It really is like turning back the hands of time on your vagina. Take a look at the image below and see what a difference the procedure can make. The “after” slide was taken two months after the patient received just ONE session with the MonaLisa Touch!
Basically, the MonaLisa Touch give you your youthful vagina back. This vagina is flexible, moist, and strong, which can eliminate the pain of intercourse and dramatically improve your sex life.
For a more detailed description of how the MonaLisa Touch works, take a few minutes to watch this highly informative video. Since the MonaLisa Touch has been approved in Italy and Australia for years, its manufacturers have had the time to collect a lot of pretty amazing data. Pay attention to the impressive charts at the end of the video.
Why I Trust the MonaLisa Touch
Bringing the MonaLisa Touch into my office was a big investment, but I strongly believe in the results it produces for my patients. As a board-certified OB-GYN who specializes in working with perimenopausal and post-menopausal women, I care deeply about helping my patients survive and thrive during menopause and beyond. I also believe that we all deserve to enjoy pleasurable intimacy with our partners throughout our lives. You are a strong, beautiful, fabulous, and sexy woman! Don’t let painful sex deprive you or your partner of the passion you desire.
If you live in the Templeton, Paso Robles, or Atascadero area of California, book a consultation with me today to discuss the MonaLisa Touch. I am the only OB-GYN in my area that offers this state-of-the-art service!
Stefanie Mikulics, MD
1050 Las Tablas Road
Suite 2
Templeton, CA 93465