
August 2017 SculpSure + Pelleve Special Offer

Free Pelleve eye treatment with each paid SculpSure treatment


For the month of August 2017



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Will describe the offer in detail here

What is SculpSure?

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Questions?  Like to schedule a consultation?

Learn more about SculpSure

What is SculpSure?

SculpSure is a non-invasive body contouring system for the reduction of stubborn fat in the areas of the abdomen and love handles. The 25 minute procedure destroys up to 24% of treated fat cells without surgery.

Is SculpSure right for me?

SculpSure is ideal for people with trouble spots, particularly those that seem resistant to diet and exercise.

How many treatments will I need?

Every patient is different.  Your treatment provider will develop a customized treatment plan to meet your desired goals.  Ask your treatment provider about the treatment plan that is right for you.

What should I expect during the treatment?

Most patients feel a tingling sensation intermittently throughout the treatment which is generally well-tolerated.

When will I see results?

Patients may start to see results as early as 6 weeks following treatment as the body begins to evacuate the destroyed fat cells, with optimal results usually seen at 12 weeks.

How long will the results last?

Treated fat cells are destroyed during the treatment and will not regenerate.

How long before I can resume normal activities?

There is no downtime with SculpSure, so you can have the treatment during your lunch hour and return to work immediately.

What is the difference between fat loss and weight loss?

The numbers of fat cells stored in our bodies typically remain constant throughout adult life.  After the SculpSure treatment, the destroyed fat cells will not return.  However, as we lose weight, the size of fat cells become smaller, but typically do not decrease in number.  Even with diet and exercise, many people have difficulty losing weight in these trouble areas.

Learn more about Pelleve’

What is Pelleve?

Pelleve is a non-invasive radiofrequency solution to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles without injections or surgery.

What does Pelleve solve?

As we age, collagen production slows down causing our skin to lose lxity and firmness.  As a result, wrinkles and fine lines form leaving you with smile lines, crow’s feet, and other bothersom creases.

The Solution

Pelleve triggers your body’s natural reaction to rebuild collagen using radiofrequency energy.  It’s a safe and effective option for a no downtime procedure that gives you a refreshed youthful appearance.

How does it Work?

Radiofrequency energy is gradually delivered into the skin using GlideSafe handpiece technology.  The GlideSafe handpiece will gently warm the skin’s layers which promotes your body’s natural reaction to grow new collagen.

Is Pelleve right for you?

Pelleve is ideal for men and women with all skin phototypes.  Unlike most laser treatments, Pelleve is gentle on the skin and is safe to use all year round, regardless of tan skin.

What can you expect?

Pelleve is a comfortable, safe procedure that doesn’t have any downtime.  Patients have reported that if feels similar to a relaxing hot stone massage.  You might have slight redness after the procedure which is caused by your skin’s elevated temperatures during the treatment, and will subside soon after the procedure.  You will be able to return to your normal day to day activities immediately after the procedure.

How many treatments are recommended?

3 – 5 treatments are recommended about 4 weeks apart to boost the collagen rebuilding process.  For optimal results please work with your provider to develop a treatment plan designed specifically for you.

How long does a single treatment take?

Treating the entire face takes anywhere from 45 – 60 minutes.  If you would like a specific area treatied such as the delicate areas around your eyes

What is Pelleve’?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DlY1-iheooA?rel=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Dr. Stefanie Mikulics, MD

1050 Las Tablas Road #2
Templeton, CA 93465


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Office Hours

Tuesday9:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday9:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday9:00am - 4:00pm
Hours may vary , please leave a message and we will get back to you at our earliest possible convenience."


We understand that sometimes things come up and you may need to cancel your appointment. Our cancellation fee is $100 for a regular office visit and up to the total cost of the visit for procedures or cosmetic treatments that are canceled with less than 24 hours notice. We strongly urge that you leave a message on the answering machine as it is checked on a regular basis.

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